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Posted by tamil on Friday, August 6, 2010

MUMBAI: As the deadline for filing an appeal in the Bombay High Court draws to a close, Pakistani gunman Ajmal Kasab, sentenced to death for his role in 26/11 terror attacks, is busy jotting down notes in Arthur Road Central jail to help his lawyers in preparing his defence.

Kasab's lawyers Amin Solkar and Farhana Shah met him recently in prison to ask him whether he had anything to say as they were drafting an appeal to be filed in the High Court next week.

"Kasab told us that he needed a pen and some papers to note down certain points which he had come across during the trial. We forwarded his request to prison authorities who have now provided him with the stationery," Shah said.

Kasab also told us that "he had full faith in both of us and that he would accept whatever legal advise we gave him," Shah said.

"We are currently going through the 1,500-page judgement and the chargesheet supplied to us. The appeal is being prepared and would be filed shortly," Shah said.

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